Increased disregard for the rules in Ulverston?
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Share views on any topic to do with Ulverston, Cumbria. Particularly Festivals - The Lantern Festival, Flag Fortnight, Dickensian Festival, Walking Festival. Also features in the town like the Festival Mural, Hoad Monument. Places to eat and pubs to visit, places to find live entertainment, Concerts to attend.
The police no longer have the manpower to both get out on the street and do the other work the are instructed to do.
Do they need a bigger work force?
I strongly believe that we do need 'real' coppers back on the beat. Without this our town - on the surface - is going downhill fast
Accidentally erased:
REALLY? Where are the Bobbies when you need them!?
Can not see a problem parking there as both vehicles belong to the owners of the house.
I assume that you are referring to the bottom two photos.
I am assuming that the signs on the road are to ensure that the road is kept clear to allow traffic up Lower Brook Street and not available for any vehicles.
If you took the time to look in to this you'll find that the keep clear signs were put there for the co-op and the owner of the house to park outside there own house.This was done manymany years ago when the house was owned by the co-op
The Audi is not parked in a disabled bay. The disabled bay is to the left. It's empty in your picture.
You are right.
If you visit the site the parking bays are confusing.
I jumped to the conclusion and have therefore removed the photos from this posting.
Thanks for coming back to me.
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